Cute ^^
Cute ^^
I dont mind if your still exploring your gender and sexuality ^^
I support you no matter what! If your genderfluid may i have your pronouns today?
Today i feel more like she/her lol
Hmmmmmmmmm yo he dont look like a mongoose-
Anyways! I listen to his music way to much :D
You know whats sad? I had to scroll through way to many lemon monster drawings to get to this one! This is the second one ive seen! People need to understand that his name isn't lemon demon its lemon monster i literally got into a ARGUMENT over trying to explain that lemon demon is a real band (sorta-) and lemon monster is a character
Wheres view monster and damn skippy? Other than that THIS IS SO FUCKING COOL!!! the fact that i know a lot of these references and ive only been a fan of his for like a year is fucking sick! Keep up the great work man you deserve a follow!
Wait so..those chicks...wanna fuck a egg? ...well wouldn't be the weirdest thing ive heard people fuck
Hahaha I mean, he is a pretty suave egg.
Thats awesome ^^
I love your style ^^
Thank you :)
Big beefy man
Just a silly hellenic who's obsessed with that one Aphrodite and Ares statue
I like ng lol
Ng ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Joined on 5/13/21